Let's connect

Parenting in a Culture War

I live on a barrier Island off the coast of Florida. Many years ago, pirates frequented our little harbor and wreaked havoc up and down the coast of the Americas. These pirates would ruthlessly assault and pillage civilian vessels, sinking them if they could not retool them for their own nefarious purposes. In the same way, ideological pirates have commandeered the ship of culture with our kids on board. Society is now sailing in a whole new direction. I propose we take back the ship.

Make no mistake, this will not be easy. The pirates have us outnumbered. They have the momentum in their favor. They have already successfully shackled (canceled) many of our most valiant warriors in the brig. The plan I propose in this book is not to raise our own Jolly Roger flag but to look to a more ancient battle plan. If we are to turn things around, we must save the world by saving our family.

I am convinced that the most frightening thing on the planet to that old Satanic Black Beard is a Christian family worshipping on the Lord’s Day, breaking bread in harmony, having in-depth discussions about truth, and then showing hospitality to the world around them until a mutiny occurs. It has happened before, many times, and it can happen again.

So, let’s batten down the hatches, swab the decks, and wage war on Black Beard. Savvy?


Books and Resources by Maximum Life

Our Fight

Survive and Thrive in Spiritual Warfare
The spiritual battlefield is scattered with wounded soldiers. Homes are ablaze and under attack. Yet we are told that our weapons are mighty enough that we cannot only survive the attack but also counterattack and take new ground. Click here to purchase.

30 Day Devotional - Second Coming

This devotion is designed to assist you in reflecting on the truths revealed concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that as you read, your heart will echo the prayer of John - “even so, come Lord Jesus.” Click here to purchase.