The Cross of Christ

Jan 26, 2025    Zach Terry

The Cross of Christ

Luke 23:26–50 (ESV)

INTRODUCTION: When one says, “the Cross”, there is no doubt which cross is being referred to. Rome’s instrument of capital punishment was used many times; history records that Roman General Varus crucified 2,000 people in one day in 4 B.C. 

But after the death of Christ, all of those other crucifixions fade into obscurity, and the brutal death of this one innocent sufferer lays claim to the permanent association with that merciless instrument of torment.

Yet, in some peculiar way, this barbarous instrument of death is redeemed by its association with Jesus of Nazareth. In fact, for the last 2,000 years, the cross has been recognized as something in which one might Glory. The cross has become the logo of a movement that has made its way to architecture, jewelry, tattoo art, fashion and music.

What was it about the crucifixion of this one Itinerate Jewish Rabbi that so radically captivated the attention of history, literally splitting time in half?

The power of the Gospel radically changed the Apostle Paul. He went from taking part in the murder of Christians to becoming one of the greatest Preachers of the Christian faith ever to live. Yet if you read his 14 letters in the New Testament, not one time does Paul mention Jesus’ birth, miracles, sermons, transfiguration… Paul was absolutely fascinated with Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Sunsets on that first good Friday in verse - 49 And all his acquaintances and the women who had followed him from Galilee stood at a distance watching these things.

Luke’s words are based on conversations he had with those very people who stood, and watched. Today, we will do the same with the eye of faith - as we behold the Cross of Christ

CONTEXT: Remember, the last time we were together after a series of illegal trials, the Jews handed their Messiah over to Rome, demanding He be crucified. Pilate wanted nothing to do with such an atrocity - he declared Jesus absolutely innocent. Herod found nothing to charge him with. Nevertheless, urge on by the chief priest and elders of the people - the Jews demanded that Barabas be released and that Jesus of Nazareth be crucified. Ultimately, Pilate succumbs to the pressure.


Remember that the suffering of Christ began not on the cross, but in the court of Pilate as he was scourged by the Roman guard. A scourging was a grotesque form of punishment in itself – as a whip made of several strips of leather, dipped in tar and shards of broken pottery and nails would be laid over the back of the Savior then suddenly ripped from the back with such force that it would at times rip bones from the ribs of the one being punished.


TEXT: Luke 23:26–50 (ESV)


Maximum Life is the Media Ministry of Pastor Zach Terry.



