Incarnation - Part 3

Dec 15, 2024    Zach Terry

We began last week by looking at the majestic prolouge to John’s Gospel as we studied the Incarnation of Jesus Christ from a Philosophical point of view. As the Divine Logos becomes flesh - Jesus comes to the world as both the Author and the Authority of all reality.

He is the object of the most significant gravitas in our solar system of thoughts. He is the ultimate reason for existence, and nothing in our lives will make ultimate sense apart from Him.

Today, we are looking at the historical framework of the Incarnation. You see all of history has been proclaiming the Advent of the Son of God since the very beginning.

READ - Remember, before the world's creation - The Godhead - Father, Son, and Spirit, in infinite wisdom and understanding, authored a saga that would produce the highest conceivable glory for the Triune God. You must understand that is the point of all things, the Glory of God.

The sending of the Son was no dramatic pivot, it was no plan B - it was plan A all along.

God knew that Lucifer Satan would rebel, then tempt man, and death would spread throughout the race of image-bearers - humanity.

God knew that the remedy for their fall would require the Son to descend into the ranks of man and die a sacrificial death on their behalf.

So, in reality, we can know that the advent of Jesus Christ was conceived in eternity past long before a new star shown over Bethlehem, even before any star shown in the heavens, even before there were heavens.

So root yourself there - this was the plan of God. Then notice how it was whispered, then spoken, then shouted throughout history -

Maximum Life is the Media Ministry of Pastor Zach Terry.



