Judas Iscariot

Nov 10, 2024    Zach Terry

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Luke 22:1–23 (ESV)

INTRODUCTION: It’s a terrible feeling to take a test when you think you aced it, only to find out you failed. I have experienced that a time or two. I am what they call an incurable optimist. When I turn in my test, I just know that the teacher is going to be shocked by the genius on the page. But more than once I have gotten the paper back to find out she didn’t feel that way at all. It’s a terrible feeling to take a test and think you aced it only to find out you fail, But it’s a tragedy for people who will stand before the Judgment Bar of God, thinking Jesus will say, “Well done my good and faithful servant”, only to hear Him say, “Away from me you who work iniquity I never knew you.” 

But as we journey through the Gospel according to Luke, we are introduced to a man who did just that. He had all of the religious credentials that a man could have; he had checked every box, dotted every “I,” and crossed every “T,” but he was lost and bound for hell - His name? Judas Iscariot.

For the next 20 minutes… As we look at this saddest of all stories, I want to ask you to do what Paul told the Church at Corinth to do in 2 Corinthians 13:5 Test yourself to see if you are in the faith…Examine yourself… to see if Jesus Christ is really in your heart. 

Paul wrote that to people who were all members of a church. 

In our vernacular, they had all walked the aisle. 

They were all baptized. 

But Paul warned them to test themselves to make sure they were really saved. 

You see the Bible warns repeatedly that the Enemy would like nothing more than to sow TARES AMONG THE WHEAT. To give a man or woman every confidence that they are ready for eternity, while keeping them from a sincere encounter with the Gospel. 

That’s what happened to Judas, and I would ask dear friend - is that what happened to you? It happened to me… for years, I was a lost, hell bound church member. I was a Judas - I was at the side of Jesus, but not on the side of Jesus.