January 20th, 2025
by Zach Terry
by Zach Terry
Who Was Guilty For The Death of Jesus?
Who bears the guilt for the death of Jesus Christ? Was it Judas, the betrayer? The Jewish leaders, blinded by their own self-righteousness and envy? Rome, with its corrupt authority? Pilate, who washed his hands of the decision? Or perhaps Herod, in all his arrogance and mockery?
In one sense, they were all guilty. But the truth reaches deeper still.
The whole of humanity stands guilty before the cross. We stand guilty. You and I—our sins are the reason Christ was crucified.
As the German composer Bach so powerfully depicted in his St. John Passion, when the question was asked, “Who is it that struck You, Lord?” the response came not from the accusers of Jesus but from within: “I, I and my sins.” My sins struck Him. Your sins nailed Him to the cross. This is the weight of the Gospel, but also the beauty of grace.
I am reminded of an encounter in Florence, Italy, where an American visitor to the Pitti Palace viewed the world-renowned masterpieces with indifference. When he expressed his disappointment, the guide replied, “It is not these paintings that are on trial, sir, but you who view them.”
Friend, as we consider the cross and the Savior who hung upon it, we are brought to our own moment of decision.
In one sense, they were all guilty. But the truth reaches deeper still.
The whole of humanity stands guilty before the cross. We stand guilty. You and I—our sins are the reason Christ was crucified.
As the German composer Bach so powerfully depicted in his St. John Passion, when the question was asked, “Who is it that struck You, Lord?” the response came not from the accusers of Jesus but from within: “I, I and my sins.” My sins struck Him. Your sins nailed Him to the cross. This is the weight of the Gospel, but also the beauty of grace.
I am reminded of an encounter in Florence, Italy, where an American visitor to the Pitti Palace viewed the world-renowned masterpieces with indifference. When he expressed his disappointment, the guide replied, “It is not these paintings that are on trial, sir, but you who view them.”
Friend, as we consider the cross and the Savior who hung upon it, we are brought to our own moment of decision.

Today, the question comes to you: What is your verdict? This is the most important decision you will make this side of eternity, so please don't be like Pilate, who decided not to decide.
"The Trial of Mankind"
Zach Terry
The Maximum Life Blog
My name is Zach Terry. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this blog are my own, with occasional interjections from my bride of nearly 25 years, Julie. This format of publication is meant to allow for engagement and interaction. Feel free to comment. But please, be nice.
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